Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Scenes at the gas station

This was my first trip to a gas station here. Which do you think is true? Our car has a massive gas tank to last for 9 months or Pak Oky fills it up in between driving us around. The truth is it was only an unusual circumstance that took the car to the gas station with B and I actually in the car. We had a lot of places to be in the days prior and there was no time for Oky to refill the tank. When we headed out on a recent Saturday, Pak Oky announced we would need gas. How exciting for me! My first gas station stop. It turns out a gas station here is very much like a gas station elsewhere except that here there is no self-pumping of gas and there seemed to be more women working there than men. That surprised me for some reason. Here are some photos. Pak Oky seemed very surprised that I would be so interested in the gas station.
I won't translate all signs, but these signs say:
No smoking in the gas station area
Maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the location realizing the environmental comfort
Turn off the engine while filling the machine
If you are not satisfied with the gas station service or have complaints, please contact Pertamina at ...
So, we purchased 52.630 liters of gas for a total price of Rp 463,244. At today's conversion rate that's about $35 US for 13.9 gallons of gas.

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