Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Miscellaneous "drinks"/Sophie's

On a recent Saturday morning we headed off to Sophie's Authentique for coffee after B had a dental cleaning. Sophie's is a French bakery in the Kemang area. I had been there for lunch with friends and it was a nice place. We had some time to kill so we stopped by. It's a busy place on Saturday mornings but we managed a table. Cappuccinos and a pastry. Yum! There are little hints of Paris all over the place.
Here are two more "drinks" we have photographed lately. Of course, there is another green entry, a Thai iced green tea, but this one was truly unusual—a pink drink.I can't remember exactly what this was called, but I believe it had strawberry sweetened condensed milk on the bottom. Probably wouldn't order again. It was prettier than it tasted.

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