Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dinosaurs in the mall/ Lock & Lock

We were in a mall recently and what did we see? An animatronic dinosaur area. A little research revealed this is more popular than than one would have thought. There is at least one company dedicated to renting these things specifically to malls. Anyway, here is one photo from the event. I'm not sure if they were charging an entrance fee, but they were at least monitoring the number of visitors in the exhibit at any one time. There was a gatekeeper at the entrance. I tried to shoot video, but the movements were so slow, it wasn't much more than stacked still shots. And to prevent me (yes I take these things personally) from taking better pictures, they draped black screening across most of the top. Seriously, perhaps the black screening was to add atmosphere. I don't know. We didn't go in but we did watch a few minutes from a floor above.
We also discovered a stand alone Lock & Lock store in an area mall. I can't recall seeing one anywhere else. They even have a club. If you belong to the club, you get discounts on your purchases. They had some really neat stuff, but nothing we just had to have. Still, a really interesting place for people who like to organize their stuff.

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