Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Food and non-food

Of course drinks come first. One more green drink. This is a melon bubble drink.
Do you remember the Slipi Blue drink from a previous post? Here's it's sibling the Slipi Red. If I didn't mention it before, Slipi is the area of town where B's office is located.
When B wants a water, a diet coke, tea, coffee, etc., he tells his Admin who tells the "office boy." Apparently the "office boy" was feeling somewhat artistic. Or was it that he wasn't sure B could find the handle all on his own?
Leaving the drinks category behind, we move on to a spice. While in Boulder in July our dinner group enjoyed a kale salad. Loved it! We asked about the ingredients. We were given a list of ingredients that included a Japanese spice. There's a large enough Japanese population here I was hopeful I would locate the spice. YES!!!!! Or at least this is very close. There was another type of togarashi spice but I didn't like the look of it as much. Now to locate a supply of kale. I think I've only seen it a few times and at the most expensive grocery in town. Still, the salad was really good. The other ingredients that I can't buy I can make from scratch, i.e., candied almonds. The kale will be the most difficult ingredient to find. Will let you know how it turns out eventually. Has anyone who dined with us tried to re-create the recipe yet?
We tried a new spot for lunch one day. Lots of waffles and pancakes on the menu. We didn't try 'em but thought they were interesting or in some cases odd. Sizzling chocolate pancake anyone?
Lastly, we had burgers one Saturday at another restaurant from the US. It was funny watching the staff sing and dance to Rocket Robin. They really put on a show. We had lunch very early that day so we were really the only customers there at the time but they still did the number.
On the topic of coffee, I have learned something new. One of the coffee companies here publishes a chart indicating when specific beans are harvested and when you should be buying them. Very helpful.

We also found a Wingstop. I think we've seen one other somewhere in town. But we'll sure remember this one when we get a wing craving.
Here is the non-food item mentioned in the post title. To me the brand name suggested this was something to eat. They even look like pastel mints or some other candy. But, alas, no. They are moth balls.

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