Monday, September 14, 2015

On the weekend

We located another green drink — are you surprised?  This one is a green tea grasshopper. It's a sort of  matcha green tea smoothie. B enjoyed it.
At another venue on the weekend, we visited a Turkish restaurant together. I had been to this place several times but B had never eaten there. It's a mini version of a larger, more expensive restaurant owned by the same family in another part of town. (B has been there- fabulous pistachio baklava.)

This version of the restaurant actually has 3 floors. First floor is smoking, second floor is non-smoking and the third floor is the party room. It's all glass walled and looks like it would be a really nice place for a party. 
This is the hot, very sweet apple tea. It really tastes like a nice hot apple juice to me, but there probably is tea and lots of added sugar. I don't have this very often but it seemed a little chilly that day so I went for it (yes, I said chilly). It's served in its own teapot kept hot ( and I mean hot) sitting on top of a tea light. Since the tea stays very hot, overfilling the teacup can be hazardous to one's fingertips. Very nice presentation.
Here's something that seems a little odd to me- the napkin rings at the place. They are small little paper bags. On my first visit ( before they even officially opened) my friends and I all thought these were toss-away items. NOT! The second you pull your napkin out of them, one of the waiters swoops in to pick it up. They must be recycling them.
Last thought of this post: Remember the recent post where ice was discussed? Here's another reason why you don't drink drinks with ice that's not formed cubes.A typical ice transportation system:

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