Thursday, June 29, 2017

Belitung Island Pt 4

Our hotel for this weekend included an ocean view and a strange elevator. The button to call the elevator worked by slowly swiping your finger over the flat button. This system did not work very well for us. When we left, we still were not 100% successful at calling the elevator. Honest, we do have fingers! Or, as I write this, perhaps we needed to use our entire hand?

The lobby was decorated for Ramadhan.

Cookies came with the room!

One evening when we were waiting for our ride we noticed a black Toyota Fortuner parked in front of the lobby with a red license plate BN1. There was a military guy and another black car also with red plates. Then a man and woman and a second older women came out and got into the two cars. The red license plate indicates "government." We suspect BN1 was the Belitung Governor's car based on the license plate protocol in Indonesia..

There were several reminders running in a loop on the TV:

The view cost extra, but what a view!
In this shot the tide is out.
This shot is looking to the far left from the balcony.
We just can't get enough of pretty sunsets! The clouds and water created stunning images. All we had to do was press the camera button. Tide in!


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