Sunday, July 30, 2017


This post includes a bunch of comments and photos most of which are totally unrelated to each other. Sorry for the lack of continuity.

Ever had sorghum "popcorn?" I recommend that you try it sometime . A friend gave me a bag of sorghum because she was leaving the country. On the package it suggested turning 1/4 cup of the sorghum into a sort of popcorn. I thought, "Why not try it?" It worked nicely and it tasted exactly like popcorn. The popcorn itself is much smaller than corn popcorn but nice! We'll do it again.
My friend who gave me the sack of sorghum arrived here about the same time we arrived. She introduced me to the crafty group I enjoy so much. I'll miss her. We had a going away luncheon for her recently. Every dish had a handcrafted turnip rooster on it! This one also had sauce leaves on the plate. Fancy!

Two pretty drinks.Neither one of us can remember what the drink on the left was called or what was in it. As for the the one on the right, we remember it had watermelon in it.
B very happy working on a Sudoku or two on a recent flight

Lastly,  I saw this photo of Jupiter (the upper of the two photos below). I recently opened a water gallon and found stuff floating in it (lower photo below). Think the two look similar??? Maybe we didn't land on the moon after all?  Hmmm...

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