Sunday, July 30, 2017

Out and About

During Idul Fitri when tens of millions of citizens leave the city we had a few "nice sky" days. Here's one photo. We don't see this very often!

Overpasses.The new circular road interchanges near us have been approved for testing. Next weekend they will have a "soft opening" allowing at least some vehicle traffic. On Independence Day here, August 17, the President will officially open the roads. The whole structure has 2 large circle routes with 4 smaller pre-existing loop routes within it. I can't see the smaller ones from the apartment window. I've noticed various activities on the elevated roadway. I took this photo early in the process, but the number of trucks kept expanding to the right as you look at this shot. Maybe they were putting weight on it as a test? The odd thing was that they didn't have the trucks along the entire elevated section.

Since the "weight" test, we've seen the lighting being worked on. On the undersides of the roadways there are lights that can apparently be controlled by computer to change colors, blink, create a rainbow-- you name it. Maybe the lights are only for the official opening ceremony? I don't think they are necessary and may in fact be an unnecessary distraction for drivers passing under the overpasses. There are a few pole lights to light the roadway itself. At this point we are hoping that the big ceremony on August 17 is on this section as we will have a terrific view. We're hoping for fireworks as well! The other loop is off to the left and we can see part of it as well.

Cool stuff for kids. We saw this cool jungle gym setup for kids while out and about. B pointed out that it would be practically impossible for a child to fall through more than one level of this structure. It looked like great fun for the kids.
There was one lone boy in this side.

Cars.New cars are commonly seen in the malls here. They can have a few or many depending on the mall. They have a staff ready to talk you into a purchase. Recently we arrived at a mall just at the opening time and were able to look at the cars without being stalked by eager salespersons. We even snapped a photo of the sticker price to share. We saw one of these. How about that price?
Interestingly, the sign is in English. The price is labeled "off the road." I'm not at all sure what that means. Suggestions are welcome.

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