Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Perth- Cottlesloe Beach

Another train trip out to Cottlesloe Beach! The trip was mainly to enjoy another sunset of all things. Some people say this is one of the most beautiful beaches in Australia. We were "serenaded" by sulphur-crested cockatoos on our walk from the train station to the beach. We found a bench and watched the surfers trying to catch what looked like very small waves and enjoyed the setting sun. Very pretty and restful.

 A cockatoo adorns the very top of this tree.

Four to six surfers waiting to the left of the buoy.
Even when waves arrived, they were small. Much waiting for the surfers without much excitement. I felt a little sorry for them but they were able to enjoy a really pretty sunset while waiting for the waves.

On the way back to the train station we saw some black cockatoos with red on the underside of their tails- a first time sighting for us. Not exactly sure which species they were but they were pretty.

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