Sunday, October 27, 2019

Final Observations- Out and About

It is not an easy place to live, but after 5 years, this place has become our "home."  We tried to visit a few of our favorite hangouts before leaving town.
Cappuccinos with stenciled art in English!
B's favorite place to get an iced tea! Chatime. Who know there are 7 steps to creating your perfect iced tea! size, level of sweetener, level of ice, toppings, yes or no, if yes, which ones, and oh yeah, the drink itself...  
Our final green drinks! Sour apple. One with black pearls, one without.
We took the opportunity to visit a restaurant specializing in local dishes like gado gado, rendang and satay. Yum!
I had my final haircut with Hisato on October 12. I just had to take a selfie while 2 people dried my hair at the same time. They did this during most of my appointments over the 5 years, but I never took a photo. Hisato on the left, helper  the right. They each do half, then Hisato finishes it up. Note: I was already not sleeping so I was not looking too great on this day.

I found myself trying to memorize sights, sounds, scenes in the street in the final days.

The national flag opposite our lobby.
Our building as seen from a distance.
Miscellaneous photos.
A small park- note- not a live elephant but a statue.

 One of my favorite meeting spots with friends.

We will not miss the bad air days. Most of 2019 has looked like this or worse.

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