Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Next steps

So, we are now in the US again, though only briefly. We are currently in a temporary hotel and will move into a short term apartment in another week soon.

Jet lag recovery continues.

We have a rental car for each of us. Here's mine.
Here is B's.

B is quickly, happily driving himself all over. I am taking it a little slower.

For those who doubted we could remember certain household chores, we have done laundry! We kept in practice the last few years! Cooking is next once we move to the apartment.

I am hoping the myth of the woolly caterpillar holds true: this wide lighter brown band would suggest a mild winter. That would be great as I am cold all of the time even now. I am not looking forward to an entire winter at all. Remember, I am now a hot house flower and I am used to a temperature range +- 95 degrees all year long.

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