Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Construction Across the Street

It looks like this project across the street will be ongoing the entire time we are here. We have noise Monday-Friday during the day but at least they don't work overnight. On the plus side, it is something for us to watch. Previously there was a mobile real estate office just inside the gate. It was an oval shaped building. While we have lived here we only saw it open for business one day/week. This was probably due to the pandemic. Now all the units are sold/rented and so it isn't needed.

A crew emptied it out and one day some workers began to disassemble it. Next, one half of the unit was taken away. We couldn't actually see the truck that carried it away.

Nearly a month passed but finally the second half of the building was removed with different equipment. 

It took the guy (yes, only one man was working on this) a bit of fussing to get it on the truck the way he wanted it but he was eventually successful.

On the flat-bed, tied down, and on its way!
All gone!

During the last week or so they cut down quite a few large trees on the site. (I'm never happy to see mature trees cut down.) In addition, they are not protecting the tree roots of the remaining trees. Large, heavy equipment drives right next to, and between, the trees. This will most likely cause the loss of additional trees in the future. 

In this shot they have cleared a large area by cutting down at least 6 large trees- the open area on the right.  They seem to be making easier access for trucks and equipment.

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