Monday, June 14, 2021

Out & About

 On a new walk we got a different view of the Cathédral Notre-Dame de l'Assomption.

We see two people on one bike quite often. It appears to mostly be young folk! One person sits and pedals and the other stands behind.
We occasionally see dog walkers. This one had two leashes and had one small dog in a backpack pet carrier on her back. 

In order to recycle glass items here you need to find a glass recycling bin in your neighborhood. We have bins for other recycled items in our parking garage. There is no online app to locate your closest bin so we had to locate one by walking around. We have now located a close one. It was behind some bushes in a driveway for a different apartment building. Our first trip to the glass recycling bin! 

I'm sharing this photo for two reasons. First, we get a bread or baguette here sometimes. Occasionally we get a sandwich here. The second reason is because of the number of signs and arrows on this place. They had a lot of signs before but they finally got a broken door repaired so they added even more signs. Our nickname for this place is "crusty pain"- half English/half French. It actually translates to crispy bread. For the French, this is more of a commercial establishment with mass production methods and isn't the preferred bread shop but it is close so... . There are quite a few of these shops around town.

During our lockdown-light, outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people. So, I wonder how these large demonstrations are permitted. This is at least the second large demo we've witnessed during lockdown and mask wearing was not enforced despite a mask requirement on the streets. It just doesn't make any sense.

What a fabulous sign!!!

Translation: "Preserve the earth. It's the only planet where there is chocolate." B asks, are we really sure or is there a solid dark chocolate planet out there?? 

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