Thursday, October 8, 2015

Catching up... again!

If you've been wondering what we are up to, we are just back from nearly 2 weeks traveling to, visiting and returning from The Netherlands. I've got items to discuss from before we left so I will first discuss those items, then I will move on to the trip itself.

I must, however, tell you hujan tadi malam. In English that means it rained last night. Yes, folks, it actually rained. Except for one brief rain sometime in July or August, the last time it actually rained here was 4 June. The previous rain was a few weeks before that. Last night it rained fairly heavy for about 1 hour with guntur dan kilat (thunder and lightening). Our driver told me there was a little street flooding near his home. We were out in the evening during the storm but didn't witness any street flooding where we were. We have a slight chance of rain on and off for the next several days. We'll see. Is the drought over? Will the rainy season not be delayed until December?Some rain might wash the pollution out of the air. That would be nice.

Stay tuned...

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