Monday, July 11, 2016


We can buy Cavendish bananas here. Cavendish bananas make up 95% of bananas sold in the US so you've probably seen them in your market.

I don't know where the ones sold here come from, but they aren't like the bananas commonly found in the markets in the US. We used to buy 10 pounds of bananas weekly, but B just didn't care for the Cavendish bananas sold here. He says they have a tough center so we haven't bought a lot of bananas—until now!

During Ramadan I noticed a lot of the tiny banana bunches in the markets. There were usually a few, but during Ramadan they are a favorite snack to break the daily fast. Recently I picked up a mini bunch. Ibu Tin called them pisang mas— golden banana. If you are looking for this type in US markets, they are sometimes available. Chiquita sells the pisang mas as "baby bananas." Dole also sells a baby type of banana- called either a Ladyfinger or an Orito. They taste better than the normal banana. About 3 of the pisang mas are equal to the large Cavendish type.
During Ramadan, I noticed signs for quite a few types of banana .

The second time I purchased the mini bananas there weren't any mini bunches just sitting around. I was kind of disappointed. Ibu Tin said she'd take care of it. A fruit man got a small machete and asked me which ones I wanted and he hacked them off this large banana branch suspended from the ceiling. That was a first. I've never purchased bananas right off a branch before.

If you manage to locate some of these luscious bananas, leave them to ripen until they are fairly streaked with brown for the best flavor and sweetness. I personally don't wait that long and they taste great. I just hope they continue to carry them after Ramadan ends. Yum!

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