Thursday, July 7, 2016

Upsizing our Freezer Space

The price of some grocery items increases tremendously beginning the month before Ramadan. What's a person to do? In a perfect world, one would stock up before the price increase. But what do you do if you have a tiny freezer?

I mentioned (well, I complained) one day with friends that we were considering asking our apartment owner for a larger refrigerator. To install one, some wood trim would have to be removed from under the cabinet located above the refrigerator space. As it is now, the fridge is jammed in the spot and is up against the trim. We have plenty of room width-wise. A friend said, "I know someone who is selling a chest freezer!" I asked a couple of details and my friend was madly texting the owner. Finally my questions got to be too much and she said, you can just call her yourself. I didn't realize it was another friend who was selling it. I could have been asking the questions myself. Friend #2 was re-patriating and so she was selling things. She accepted our offer and a couple of days later it was delivered to our apartment. It was super cheap to get it delivered! We did not plug it in until we returned from our time away. We now have a small chest freezer! My friend says in a pinch, it will hold at a lot of medium turkeys. Did I mention she was the president of the Canadian women's group and they put on an annual Thanksgiving dinner?

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