Thursday, July 7, 2016

We've Been Away

If you were wondering why you haven't heard from us in a bit, it's because we were traveling. We got to enjoy fresh air, perfect temperatures, pretty skies and pretty scenery and... oh yes, got to visit with some of the family. I must have said, "Look at that sky!" 50 times! B managed to work in a week's trip to his old plant in KY while we were in the US. The whole thing was a bit of a whirlwind. Here are just a couple of pretty pictures.

I was able to scratch my gardening itch a bit in NY. I did a lot of trimming of shrubs! My arms looked like I'd tangled with a cat. Did I mention the shrubs had thorns?  In our free time we worked on a little puzzle project. We weren't able to complete it so hopefully someone else has stepped up! Send photos please. You know who you are!
Note: I don't want to forget to mention a recently published book you may want to read. It's called Bitter Spice. The author is Harm Stevens. This is the history of the Dutch and Indonesian "relationship" beginning with the Dutch quest for spices. It sounded like a really interesting book. Just thought I'd pass it along in case anyone would be interested.

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