Sunday, April 16, 2017

Another Out and About

I spend a lot of time in the car traveling around town. On one of my recent trips I spotted a belimbing (starfruit) tree right in the heart of the city.  I could see the fruit high up in the tree but they don't seem to show very well in my photo. Most likely all of the lower hanging fruit had already been picked. These escaped being harvested due to the height. It's not an usual looking tree except for the yellow fruit.

We are now approaching, hopefully, the end of the rainy season. It is predicted to finish towards the very end of April. We will just have to wait and see if it happens. In 2015, we went 5 months without a drop of rain. Last year the rain never really stopped though the intensity lessened. We are still having occasional flooding in some areas. One day it rained while I was returning home from another part of town that routinely floods when we have heavy rains. It took me over an hour to travel less than 8 km(< 5 miles). That same day, B traveled 90 km (56 miles) in 2 hrs and 20 minutes.  A couple of water shots.
Here's a small flooring supply shop.
Where do you go to get your scooter or motorcycle washed? Check out this steam cleaning place for just such a task. (Cuci means wash. Steam means, you guessed it, steam.)
A common sight in the malls here. Constant cleaning of the escalators. They place a cloth or dust mop on the sides and ride the escalators up and down and clean them. We don't see this in all of the malls, but in the most upscale ones we do see it. The handrails require a second trip.
One last photo from a trip out and about. This is a food warung(shop). It calls itself "Yuk!" Hmmm. Here it would be pronounced as in you. But my brain sees "yuck!" 

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