Sunday, April 16, 2017

Skyline Changes

My how time flies!  We've lived here for over 2 1/2 years already. In that time we've witnessed considerable construction in the area around us. And I should point out that much of the work is done in the middle of the night! I will also share that occasionally I am awakened by a loud detonation-like sound. I don't know if they are blasting or if they've dropped something very heavy from a great height or ???

Here are several "before" shots (August 2014) and "after" shots ( March 2017). So many changes. Look closely. Sometimes there's a new building tucked in just behind another building so only part of it shows in the photo. Building... building... building... .

The changes are even more obvious looking out my office window. The new buildings are being constructed in front of the existing ones.

This shows part of a huge apartment, retail, office mega development going in right next door to my main grocery store. The store is very near the apartment. Traffic is already awful so I'm not looking forward to what happens when this monster is completed and filled with tenants who have cars and motorcycles.

You can also see this development right from the front of our apartment building.

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