Sunday, April 16, 2017

Interesting Food and Drink

Drinks, Green and Otherwise

Yes, more green drinks! I know some of you have missed these entries!

When B returned from the US he quickly went in search of new green drinks and found this one called "I See You." This was a matcha green tea latte with an "eye" entrement (a small individual cake) on top.

He also found this one, called Icey Green - not very creative name but was good - green apple syrup and soda.

Together we found this interesting sign for a drink neither of us was willing to try. Charcoal juice?

Lastly, just this week B enjoyed this number called an Iced Green Monster. Ingredients: melon syrup, soya milk and jellies.

US Grocery Store Finds

I may not have mentioned this before but I find grocery stores very interesting and enjoy visiting stores wherever I travel. Now, while visiting in the US, I find myself saying " Wow, look at that!" a lot. Here are just a few that caught my eye. Good thing I have a phone with a camera.

The Famous Dessert Mess

We enjoy a nearby restaurant. They had added a new dessert to the menu so we gave it a try. They call it the White Chocolate and Banana Mess. For those who can't watch the video, the dessert is lifted up into the air and dropped onto the serving tray from a height of about 18 inches. The result is that the white chocolate shell breaks apart. Pretty cool!

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