Saturday, March 7, 2015

Haircut Number 2

So we've been living here for a full 7 months and I recently got my second haircut. I had the first one back in October I believe. I did have a haircut in  late December back in the US. Prior to the move, I routinely got my haircut every 4 weeks. You can see how this schedule varies from the every 4 week schedule pretty severely.

Anyway, the hair was getting pretty long again and so I picked a different place to try. While the hair place in October had recommendations I wasn't too happy with the cut. This new place also came with recommendations so I gave it a try. I ended up getting the most expensive guy in the place to cut my hair but he did a really nice job. During the shampooing, she gave me a very nice head massage but the chair is not built for people with short torsos. You actually lie down for shampooing here. We fit the appointment in on our Saturday errand run so Brad was with me and snapped a couple of photos. Here I am with the shampoo lady.
And here I am with Hisato. I think he is my new hair stylist.
What was interesting about this place was that to blow dry my hair I had Hisato and another gentlemen, one on each side, blow drying my hair simultaneously. Then Hisato finished. Hisato also handed tools to the other gentleman who then put them away. Hisato doesn't put his own tools away.

It's a Japanese hair salon. Hisato speaks English, Bahasa Indonesia and Japanese (and maybe more) and is the International Director (Hair-Designer and Instructor) for Shunji Matsuo Indonesia.

I've already made my next appointment because he seems to know what he's doing.

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