Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Turkish restaurant story

I recently had lunch with friends at a really nice Turkish restaurant. I had never noticed this really pretty ceiling lamp before. This time I snapped a photo.
And, yes the food is excellent. I've been there several times. This visit did not go exactly as planned, however.  I was supposed to pick up some pistachio baklava on my way out for B, but a little something went wrong. He never got his baklava.

It turns out that  (A) there is no cell reception in the room I was in at this restaurant and (B) I forgot completely that we had Bahasa Indonesia class on this particular afternoon.  In my defense, I almost always have a couple of hours of buffer time between whatever I do Thursday early and class. This day was a luncheon and a presentation about antique carpets. I had my lunch, checked my watch, sat down for the talk, checked my watch, all the while convincing myself I still had time to get home and send our driver Oky to get Brad at the usual time. Duh! No, I didn't. He was leaving early because we had Bahasa Indonesia class. Without cell reception, neither B nor Oky could reach me on my cell. Finally, B asked Oky to go in and get me. Oops!  I guess part (C) would be that the guy giving the talk about the antique carpets was really interesting but he was finishing up when I had to scoot. We were technically a couple of minutes later for class but our tutor gotten held up as well, so we got to the apartment before she did. It all worked out OK.

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