Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Will we ever run out of green drinks? and other food tidbits

Here are couple of the latest green drinks we've tried. The first was a mocktail, lime and pineapple mojito. The second was a green apple tea  These were very nice.The third was an experiment. We'd seen these jelly bean flavors in the market several times. Because juicy pear is a favorite flavor, we bought one bottle. Our joint statement about Juicy Pear soda is, "Yuck!" We tossed all but a taste for each of us.
I also wanted to mention that in addition to the Schweppes tonic water (full sugar, as "diet" is not available here), I have also found a tonic water produced in Bali ( again full sugar- pictured here) but I also found Fever-Tree Naturally Light Indian tonic water which has less sugar. I forgot to take a picture. This one is pretty expensive compared to the Schweppes but I really like the flavor. Probably won't buy it very often. I've actually had this one in the past. They use as little sweetener as possible but still produce a really, really tasty tonic water.  I could purchase it at World Market or Trader Joe's or similar. I took this from the Fever-Tree website: The highest quality quinine was sourced from the Rwanda Congo border and blended with spring water and eight botanical flavors, including rare ingredients such as marigold extracts and a bitter orange from Tanzania.
I want to say something like, "Don't shoot the messenger, " or "I just report the news," or similar before I share this photo. I knew there was a cheese fascination here, but really? Cheese flavoring? I probably won't be buying any of this. The photos is approximately actual size and was seen in the same section as almond flavoring, vanilla, etc., and keju-keju translates to "cheeses."
B has often voiced the question, "Where's the frosting?" We would see cake mixes but never any cans of frosting. Perhaps it's a storage issue due to the heat, but we really began to wonder if we'd ever see any commercially pre-made frosting. We wondered if everyone just makes their own as the ingredients are readily available here. Then we found this:
I maintain that we still haven't seen any pre-made frosting. To this all-in-one kit you still add butter and water. We'll do fine sticking with homemade.

B thought this onion soup I had one day was worthy of a photo because of the copper crock. Actually, it was quite good.

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