Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kemchicks and a flower shop

I think I've mentioned KemChicks in the past. It is the top of the line grocery store that caters to ex-pats. Very pricey, but they have good products and they have things you can't find elsewhere. They were recently celebrating their 45th anniversary on a day when we happened to stop to shop at the main location in Kemang (B's note: we were looking for ideas for P's hosting the needle Nomads)..
They make up these huge floral signs for every event you can imagine here. And we have seen them being transported strapped to the back of a scooter. Inside the store they had all sorts of food for the party. It was hard to extricate ourselves from the hostesses so we could do our shopping. We'd just had lunch but we sampled a few things.

Also in Kemang I pass by this flower shop (kedai bunga) frequently. One day I actually thought to take a photo. It's not a great photo, but notice the structure of the "roof." Yes, those are umbrellas.

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