Wednesday, April 1, 2015


We finally came across the perfect objet d'art for the marble shelf in our hallway outside our front door. This is made of painted wood and is very attractive. It can be completely disassembled as well so that reduces the chance of it getting broken in the future. When purchased, there were little labels with numbers all over it. The numbers indicated what part went where. Even each petal is a separate piece of wood.I carefully removed all of labels and recorded the numbers with a permanent marker. The labels were rather obvious. The marker numbers don't show at all. Now, any guests coming to our front door have something pretty to look at until we answer. Yay! It also is brightly colored so it shows up even if the hall lights are off.
We have also added a couple of live plants to our household. We purchased two plants for one of the balconies. We shopped at one of the nurseries opposite the Hotel Mulia. I am still not up to haggling over the prices of things, but B did a good job and talked the guy way down in price. What did we buy? I think we have a anthurium and a dieffenbachia. Now to see if we can keep them alive and thriving. The next step will be real pots and potting soil.The step after that is to hope they grow quickly because they are not very large plants right now.

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