Wednesday, April 1, 2015


First, here is a great photo of what is called cuaca cerah. This is when you have a bright and sunny day. In this case, we had cuaca cerah for a brief period of time one afternoon. We don't have very many days like this.
This is the first time since we unpacked our barometer ball that we have seen the barometric pressure go so low (fluid moving up into the side tube). We really expected a whopping storm, Usually the fluid is just a little bit into the side tube and it pretty much stays that way except for major storms and then it moves slightly up the tube. This was a major shift but  we only had a little storm the night after this photo was taken. Our driver said that night it poured at his house. Today as I was working on this blog we had a torrential downpour for about 30 minutes. If any of you are wondering if we still have leaking in the apartment, the answer is yes. Today's brief heavy rain confirmed that we still have a leak in the wall of my office.
I don't think I have shared a photo of the sloping escalators we find here. There are usually grocery stores in the underground levels of the malls. In order to get the trolley(grocery cart to some of you) of groceries up out of the lower levels you need something like these sloping escalator belts. While I am not a fan of these escalators (they are rather steep), I like the idea that the grocery stores are under the malls. One stop shopping. Of course not all of the malls have the sloped escalators so you have to hand carry everything without using a trolley.
I also wanted to share that I am not yet used to having a "staff". Recently I'd gone grocery shopping and our driver was waiting outside the cashier area . As I departed the store with Ibu Tin, Pak Oky took all of the groceries I was carrying and he and Tin split them up. So there we are, 3 adults, only 2 of which were carrying anything. It felt so weird. So... not too spoiled, yet...

On another grocery shopping recently, with Ibu Tin along, she leaned over and whispered to me that a famous Indonesian actor was on the escalator right in front of us. I asked her if she was getting "weak in the knees" over this guy. That led to a discussion explaining this expression. And it turns out she prefers older actors. This guy is only 43. It also turns out he lives in the apartment building next door. Who knew?

Recently we saw a small group demonstrating about global warming etc. in an area mall. The "garbage bag guy" had a difficult time getting on the escalator but he was making a really valid point. Garbage bag waste here is a huge issue.

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