Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Food Talk

I've saved several food related items for this set of postings.

Sad food news. The Dunkin Donuts located within a very short walk of our apartment has closed. Gone. Empty building. We never visited the place but we thought about it a few times. Maybe something better will replace it. We can hope.

A friend told me about a local restaurant that has a huge barbecue once in a while. They roast a pig, have smoked brisket, sausage, hamburgers, fixins, dessert, etc. The event starts at 1pm and lasts until they run out of food. We decided to give it a try.  The food was very good and we might do it again.

We sat with a nice gentlemen who turned out to be the husband of a friend of mine. She is currently back in the US. I figured out he was her husband by just a few clues: where she is now and the fact that one of their daughters is getting married soon. When I asked him if he was my friend's husband he said, "Yes, everyone seems to know my wife."

Here are a few pix at the barbecue as they remove the pig roast from the cooker. I found it very odd that after removing this huge container of hot coals from atop this cooker, they placed it on a wooden deck directly behind the guy with the cowboy hat. It was obvious from the char marks that they had done this before.

The little boy in B just had to try this- a special item on one of our very local restaurants. The colorful layers are cake crumbs. In between is vanilla ice cream. Yum!
Staying with the "drink" topic, I tried something called a es kelapa batok. This is fresh young coconut water served in an actual young coconut with shaved coconut meat and ice in it. Yummy, too.
Last on the "drink" topic? The bubble drinks they serve here. My research indicates this sort of drink was developed in Taiwan but is absolutely everywhere here. There are 2 types with a third hybrid category. Type one is a milk tea drink and the other is a fruit flavored tea. The hybrid of the two is he third. There are balls of chewy tapioca or fruit jelly added to the drink. They serve the drink with a very fat straw so you can suck up the balls. They are chewy but we really don't understand why they are in the drink. The bubble in the name bubble drinks doesn't refer to the chewy balls, but to the fact that the drink foams up when you shake it. Mine was a special milk tea and B's was a redbean matcha. Why? Because it was green in the picture. As you can see there is a wide array of choices. Maybe not something we'd try again, but who knows?

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