Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Christmas tree saga

Quite a few expats are leaving and they are putting things up for sale. One of the items was a 7.5 foot pre-lit Christmas tree. The asking price was 750,000 IDR. Ordinarily I think this tree would have already been gone by the time I read the listings. However, the guy didn't list it as Christmas tree. The listing read "7 and 1/2 foot pre-lit Christmas tree."  My bet is many people completely missed it.

Not a bad price but I texted the guy and asked if it needed a transformer. It did so I offered 650,000 IDR. I mentioned I could send my driver with the cash immediately. He accepted my offer. We got it all worked out and our driver Oky went to pick up the tree. On seeing it, I discovered it had that flocking stuff on it which I wasn't too sure about at first, but then I realized that because I have no ornaments, a pre-lit tree with white lights that has some flocking on it would remind me of wintertime so I was a happy camper.

A few days later the guy texted me saying he was packing and had discovered some stuff that went with the tree and asked if I could send my driver to pick it up. I thought maybe a section of the tree? Ornaments? More lights?

I sent Oky back to pick up the stuff. Can you guess what he brought back? He arrived at the apartment with another whole tree! This one is about 5.5 feet tall, also pre-lit with no flocking. So now I have 2 trees for $50 US. Yay!  Ibu Tin and I had picked the perfect spot for tree #1 but tree #2 has no clear location yet. Now I think maybe I will get a few ornaments for tree #2 but will leave tree#1 with no ornaments.

Did the guy forget what tree he sold me? Did he really think this was part of the first tree? Was it easiest to just give me another tree? These are all good questions.

Meanwhile, since my purchase an acquaintance offered a free tree to the expats here. It was snapped up within 15 minutes but I'm OK with having to pay because I got 2 trees. I didn't take a photo of the first tree but here's a photo of tree #2.

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