Saturday, October 17, 2015

Arnhem- Burgers' Zoo and the Open Air Heritage Museum

Burgers' Zoo
Was this the day we walked 14km? Think so. (We averaged 10 km per day. ) I know it was a very long day. We took the bus from the train/bus station near the hotel to near the Zoo.

WAZA lists the Zoo as holding 335 species, 3210 specimens. The actual size of the zoo varies widely as reported on the Internet so I won't quote size here. Let me just say that it is a very dense zoo so it seemed much larger than even the largest reported size. 

We all really enjoyed the volunteer birds at the zoos. The herons, in particular, on the ponds on the zoo grounds were fun to watch. Other top highlights included the Zoo entrance bronze sculptures, the jackass penguins, the Desert, the Safari, and the South-east Asian Mangrove and Ocean.
These were the cutest babies!
Bighorn sheep- This was part of a HUGE indoor exhibit.
Bronze statue near entrance. One of a trio:gorilla, giraffe, rhino.
HUGE savannah with Rothchild giraffe, zebras, waterbucks, kudus, gnus, rhinos
The first fall colors we saw!So pretty!
Dutch Open Air Museum
The staff at the concierge desk at the hotel discouraged us from attempting to do both the Burgers' Zoo and the Open Air Museum on the same day. It was quite a challenge to do both but after we finished up a the Zoo and had some food, we were off to the Open Air Museum on foot. It wasn't very far.

We thought this place was in some ways like Williamsburg,VA in the US. There was a collection of historic buildings moved to this site and "in season" there are tons of re-enactors so you can learn about how people used to live in The Netherlands. I enjoyed the paper mill and the draw bridge. There was also a small cheese making facility.

We were not visiting during the summer season but there were still a few re-enactors about. We walked to the far end of the place and ended up using the on-grounds trolley to return to the entrance. We bused back to the hotel area and sat down for a nice cup of coffee.Whew!

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