Saturday, October 17, 2015

Arnhem- Kröller-Müller Museum and the Nat'l Park

The Kröller-Müller Museum (KMM) is the second home of the works of Vincent Van Gogh but also includes the works of many others. Incidentally, Van Gogh is not pronounced as 'Van-GO' which is how I have always heard it pronounced. I can't really sound it out for you, but Van-GO it isn't. Probably as close as I can get is van-KHOKH. There are more than 90 paintings and more than 180 drawings by Van Gogh here. This museum is far less crowded than the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam because it is located in Arnhem, inside the De Hoge Veluwe National Park.

We bused to near the Museum.  If you don't care to walk within the park, there are free bicycles here just as there are in many places in The Netherlands. I don't know if the system is countrywide. You just take one and leave it in the appropriate spots when you are done with it. We saw them all over and they are widely used.

We loved this museum. It was started by Helene Kröller-Müller. She and her husband collected some 11,500 works of art in less than 20 years early in the 20th century. The museum first opened in 1938.

Let me say it was a beautiful day.
Giant spade near the entrance
Not sure on this one
Portrait of Joseph Roulin (the Arles postman), Van Gogh
Terrace of a Cafe at Night (Place du Forum), Van Gogh
One of many self-portraits. He couldn't afford models so often painted himself when studying a new style, Van Gogh
Still Life with Meadow Flowers and Roses, Van Gogh. This painting was beautiful. Photos don't do it justice at all.
A panoramic shot
Violon (Violin),  Picasso, 1911-1912

There were many pieces of more modern art including several rooms of art that I would describe as containing lines and dots. I guess that kind of art just doesn't speak to me. One somewhat interesting piece of modern art involved two video screens running a long loop of flowing water. I'll admit it was soothing. They sat on the floor. Might be better on the wall?? There was a bench in the room so you could sit down and enjoy it.
Once we finished at the museum we walked to the Park's Visitor Center. A lovely walk in the woods.
After that we stopped to browse at a farmer's market in the courtyard outside the museum.Cute sign!

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