Friday, October 9, 2015

Explorers Group

Reminder: The videos in this post probably won't work on smaller handheld devices but only on laptops or desktop computers. And be sure your sound is on!

In the fall, the Indonesian Heritage Society holds its annual recruitment drive. Last fall we were still homeless and my time was consumed with finding and outfitting the apartment. This fall, I attended the Selamat Datang ( Welcome) fall event and joined. Part of the IHS consists of Explorers Groups. I signed up for an "every Wednesday" group. Members of the group take turns setting up field trips, in town or out of town, to explore museums, farms—all sorts of venues are possible. The groups are mostly ladies, but there are a few gents. I attended a couple of field trips this year as  a "tag along" but was not official. Now my group is called Kresna—named for a Wayang shadow puppet character I believe.

I had not realized it until we arrived at the venue for the Selamat Datang that the theater is inside the Dutch Embassy grounds. I was dropped off outside the Embassy and was let in by a guard. Once inside, a security person searched my purse, then I went through a scanner, then they x-rayed my purse.  They hold some evening lectures so if B and I attend any I will know how this works.

As part of the Selamat Datang event we were treated to some traditional dances. I don't remember what the first dance was about and the video didn't turn out so I will share only the other three dances. Yes, I was filming during the performance, and probably annoying the people behind me, but I kept my hand over the screen as much as I could and I shot only small snippets of video. And I was not alone, there were tons of cameras shooting stills and video.

The second dance was introduced as a story about a shy but not shy girl. The dancers initially are covering their faces with fans all the time with fans but then the dance changes as they remove the fans from their faces.
The third dance was about masculine female hunters using a bow and arrow.
The last dance told the story of a black bird from Kalimantan. The costumes were an unusual black color with a lot of colorful pattern. On their wrists they wore bird feather bracelets.
Here's the group of dancers accepting the applause.
Right now I am trying to figure out what trip I will organize. I will go on my first trip with this group next Wednesday.

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