Wednesday, March 13, 2019

2018 Holiday Season

I have been busy and negligent in getting items posted to the blog. As we say here, "Maaf! Saya sangat sibuk."

Here are a few notes catching up from the last holiday season. While in the US, we visited a mega Walmart- 2 stories tall. I don't recall ever seeing this sort of set up before. Here, because grocery stores are most often in the basement level of shopping centers and malls, we have belted escalators so you push your cart onto the thing and stick your foot behind a wheel to keep it in place while you both ride up together. The new Walmart method had an ordinary escalator for people passengers and a separate escalator for your cart. You push the cart on then you get on the human passenger side. B rode up and down several times just to test it out.
Another interesting thing I saw while in the Walmart was this huge shipment of soup. A friend (who has now moved on) used to have me pick up 4-6 cans at a time of mixed cream of whatever soup for her. They were so unavailable that I would only occasionally see any at all and if they were available, 4-6 cans might be all they had. She used to "hide" vegetables from her kids in baked chicken dishes by incorporating cream of broccoli, mushroom, asparagus, potato, etc. soups with added chopped vegetables. This was really something strange to see!
We had a much more mild weather situation this year during our holiday visit. Milder temps and very little snow. Note: The family got pummeled by snow shortly after I returned here and have been hit by snowstorms quite a few times this winter.

Our rental car was an unusual color - orange was in the name.
I found time to visit the quilting shop near mom's while in the US. I just loved these sayings. The shop owner had a bunch of them.
" I'm a quilter... what's your superpower?"
"Quilters don't make mistakes... we do variations."
And this one that is easier to read:

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