Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Our Diffenbachia!

Our diffenbachia plant was in desperate need of pruning. It was taking over the balcony.  I am sure I have done minor pruning on this plant in the past, but this time it needed a lot of work.This is an "after" photo.
Nearing the end of my pruning project, my hands began to burn. I hadn't worn gloves because I hadn't needed them before. I washed thoroughly immediately after finishing my project, but the damage was done. Chemical burns on my hands and one arm. Burning and itching that took me to the doctor. Ointments helped and so did antihistamines. Eventually the damaged skin was replaced with fresh new skin. Lesson learned. Next time: long sleeves and gloves! By the way, the sap is a known irritant— I should have read that before the plant surgery. Perhaps I am just extra sensitive to it?

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