Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Out & About & Skies & Views

Still in the rainy season. Since I spend a lot of time in the car, I see a lot of things through rain covered car windows.

We also get to see a lot of fabulous stormy skies but this one was special. One evening as the sun was setting, a huge storm was moving in just as the the lights in town came on. I captured this shot.

I will call this the mystery of the empty parking garage. They worked on building this parking garage for many months. Now there are a few cars using it. However, cars are still parking along the street causing huge traffic jams. What? B just keeps saying maybe the parking garage isn't officially open yet? I don't know. I just know I was hoping the huge parking garage would alleviate the street parking situation I encounter quite often. I see now that it isn't going to help. Odd but true.
One morning it had rained all night so the air was unusually clear. From our bedroom window I could see the distant mountains. 
And one Sunday afternoon I noticed a lot of smoke in the northern part of the city. It turns out that 3 boats in the harbor had caught fire. It was windy and the fires managed to burn a total of 35 boats before being extinguished.
Below is a link to news coverage of what we were "entertained with" on a recent Sunday for 12 hours. There is a video if you scroll down a bit. Be sure to have the sound on your device.
Our "entertainment" involved screeching tires and smoke... oh and cars backfiring beginning at 4:30 am. Also, in the video, you can see our apartment tower! If you try the link and it shows in Bahasa Indonesia, look for a link to change the story to English.


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