Friday, November 7, 2014

I'll call this miscellaneous

There were a couple of blocks of free time. I found a very long trail of large ants and eventually discovered that they were actually climbing up and down a tree. Here are a few I managed to catch in action on the side of the tree.
One of the sidewalks along the beach was covered with carved fish.
The resort we stayed at is the place where the team members will live during the week once construction begins-- maybe 1.5 yrs from now. One of the duplex buildings will be renovated for the team members and also visiting team members. In case you're wondering, we're glad to hear there will be renovations. The place is very dated and needs a lot of TLC and upgrades. This is a shot of the bathtub- notice the astroturf on the floor next to the tub (?!?!) There were a couple of other pieces as well. I stuffed newspaper in the opening between the sliding windows at one end of the room to try to keep the mosquitoes out. We also had an issue with ants.
They are very serious when it comes to avoiding dehydration in this part of the world. Note the sign in one of the bathrooms at the resort! They also bring you another water bottle as soon as you pour the last of a current bottle into your glass at meals.

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