Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Yarn and batik

Some of you may know that I've become involved with a lovely group of ladies (at least I haven't seen any male members yet) who get together weekly to chat, eat and share their love of all things knitting and sewing and quilting related. A new acquaintance is going to help me knit either slippers or socks, depending on how it goes. We met for lunch at a mall with a yarn store the other day and she helped me pick out my yarn. I've never knitted socks so I don't know what I'm getting myself into, but I will keep you posted. I also bought needles for the job. Got to love the color!
Every once in a while a pair of ladies who sell batik fabrics come to the home of the hostess of one of the group's events and on Monday this week I was able to select quite a few pieces of really gorgeous batiks. At the moment my plan is to construct with these fabrics the following: pajamas for me, a shirt or 2 for me, a shirt for B and a pair of sleep shorts for B. Those projects will take a lot longer than knitting socks. Here's a photo of the fabric for B's sleep shorts. Cantik, ya? ( Pretty, right?)

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