Friday, November 21, 2014

We have a new printer

After we determined that we would not be able to purchase replacement ink cartridges for our current printer- the chips are only licensed for specific regions of the world and the US and Indonesia are not in the same region- we set out to purchase a new printer here. We discovered that most printers sold here have a lower print and scan resolution than I'm used to using. Finally we settled on a particular model only to learn that it's not available anywhere. At every retailer we visited the majority of stock was dedicated to low end printers. We came down a few steps in level of printer and compromised on a different model but our hopes were pinned on one final shop. And they didn't have the model. They called another store that supposedly did have one in stock so we went there. No, they didn't have it in stock. They only had one display printer. We got them to sell us that one. After a long wait, they found the box complete with warranty paperwork and the original starter kit of ink, etc. So, drumroll please..... we now have a new printer for which we can purchase cartridges.

I will keep the old printer as well. It does have a few features the new one lacks and those features don't require printing so it will work out ok.

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