Tuesday, November 10, 2015


What can I say. The smoke from the fires burning in this part of the world found it's way here. It is not getting any better but they say it will once the real rainy season starts. The rainy season has been delayed due to the presence of a strong El Nino system. This year's drought may set a new record and surpass the drought of 1997 with the same cause. This photo taken on November 3.
The good news? It did rain last night for possibly an hour. It was a storm complete with thunder, lightening and wind. (The wind broke off a stem from one of our plants.) So, it has rained possibly 3 times for 1 hour or less since before June 4. My helper Bu Tin today told me her well is so low the pump/pipe system can't reach the water. She really needs the rain.

The organization that publishes online/real-time flooding maps for the city isn't planning on turning their system on until December. Hope it's rains some, but not too much until December.

(As an aside, as we were proofing this B asked me what did I write about water? I looked at him and said I don't remember. As we opened the post we realized we were both thinking in Bahasa and not English. In Bahasa, the word for water is air. It is pronounced like the start of the word Ireland-just like the Ire except the "r" is rolled, which is difficult to accomplish. No one seems to understand me when I say water in Bahasa. )

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