Thursday, November 26, 2015

On the Road- Puncak

We had been trying to find time to visit Taman Safari in Cisarua/Puncak for quite a while. Finally, B decided to take a Wednesday off to check it out. It's generally considered a bad idea to try to go on weekends because the roads get so crowded. There is only a 2 lane road in and out of here and they can close traffic completely in the direction you wish to go for hours.

So, off we went at 6:00 am. Puncak is on the way to Bogor and not far from Bandung if you wish to get out a map and locate it relative to where we live. It is in the mountains and can even get cold at night. Mists tend to hang over the mountains along this route, especially in the early morning.
At this hour of the morning traffic is relatively light- steady, but not too bad. The area is very scenic.
Around 8:00 we had gotten pretty close so we decided to check out nearby Puncak.  Taman Safari doesn't open until 9:00 am. Pak Oky gave us a little tour of a couple of places he used to go when he would visit here on weekends. I gather this was before he had a wife and family.

We parked the car and walked up this hill.
Up at the top is a spot where you can para-glide. For this activity, you just run and jump right over the edge with some sort of apparatus attached to you. This just didn't seem like an intelligent thing to do. Don't bother suggesting this is a really cool activity or how fun it is if you've tried it. Perhaps somewhere else, but not here. We hung out a bit taking photos and even in that time the mists cleared quite a bit.
Eventually we walked back down the hill. How many signs does one need? At least 4. Can you find more?
This area is HUGE for tea growers. Pretty much every where you looked were tea farms.
B and Pak Oky pretend to pick tea leaves. I think it's a great shot but neither one of them has any idea how to pick tea leaves.
 Next stop?  Taman Safari

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