Thursday, November 26, 2015

Cars, green drinks, odd food and rain

First their was GrabTaxi. Now there is GrabCar. And not just any car. There are a few Lamborghinis being used apparently. We happened to eat at a nearby restaurant where a bunch of Lamborghinis were parked to advertise the grand opening of the GrabCar Lamborghinis. I really have no idea how this works.....

Green drinks
We haven't run out yet. We found 3 new ones. The first one was at a new Italian restaurant we tried. I heard about this restaurant from a friend and discovered there is one of these right near the apartment- near as in how the crow flies. It took us quite a bit of time to get there (because of the circuitous route, we could have walked there faster). I had heard great things about their pizza and tried it. Very thin just how I like it. That has nothing to do with the green drink, however. This one is called simply "Green Drink" and contains spinach. For me, it was just OK, healthy, but taste-wise just OK.
We had this on a day trip into the mountains which I'll post about in a bit. It was at a famous restaurant called Cimory. The drink is mix of spinach, banana, and carrot. Pretty tasty.
The third entry in the green drink category is this lovely one. I don't have a clue where we had it or what it was called.
Odd Food
The name of this just struck us as funny. Choki choki? Seriously? There is a lot to be said for advertising and branding. This to me said, "if you eat this you will choke." Of course, it probably takes pretty good but not worth the risk.
And then there is another cheese covered doughnut. This one is filled with Toblerone chocolate. It sat right next to what I would consider a normal doughnut. When we stop for coffee now it has become habit to read the doughnut signs looking for oddities. This looks like a cheese chia-pet or maybe just a hamburger with grated cheese on top. All I know is I am resisting trying one of these.
Lastly, RAIN. The rainy season has definitely gotten started, though rain is not too frequent yet. This rainstorm was particularly intense and brought back the leaking we were dealing with prior to the drought from June to this mid-November. This is not mist destroying the view. It is raining that hard.

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