Wednesday, March 7, 2018

SRI Here, There Everywhere!

Plant construction is continuing. Here is a new SRI shuttle bus.

Work distributed 5000 yellow motorcycle helmets with the SRI logo at a recent safety event.

These helmets are seen frequently around Cilegon, but we've even seen them here in town.  A huge number of jackets have been given as gifts as well. A photo of someone with both the yellow SRI helmet and jacket was taken. 

Now everyone wants to be the one to snap a photo of a scooter operator wearing the helmet, jacket and also sporting an SRI backpack!

I didn't know where to include this little item so I placed it here. This is the latest mosquito entrance prevention unit. The original involved white electrical tape which, unfortunately, could not withstand the temperatures experienced in the bathroom open to the outside air. The latest version doesn't involve any adhesives so it should stay put.

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