Thursday, March 1, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon

We maintain our amateur status but we attempted to catch some photos of the celestial event that occurred on January 31, 2018 here in our part of the world. Disclaimer: I shot the pictures where the moon appears small on my phone, handheld. The photos in which the moon appears larger were taken by B with a "real" camera.

Early in the process we could stand on our balcony and had a great view in between passing clouds that at times made the entire thing invisible. As the eclipse progressed and the moon's location moved higher and higher, we started having to bend over on the balcony and tilt the cameras back upwards. Finally the only way to see it was to get off the balcony and look through a window.

Neither of us lasted through the entire event but I was the last one to drop!
7:16 pm

7:34 pm
7:38 pm
7:40 pm
7:41 pm
7:41 pm
7:42 pm
7:45 pm
7:47 pm
7:50 pm
7:53 pm

We couldn't see much for a bit at this point.

 8:29 pm
 8:33 pm
It looked like this for a while. My camera buddy went to sleep after this shot.
9:20 pm
 9:45 pm
10:07 pm 
Whew! I couldn't stay up any longer!

We also noticed this really lit up building nearby! Adding full coverage of lights to the outsides of buildings seems to be very fashionable as they construct new skyscapers here!

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