Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Back to Bali- Part 1

We had both been really busy so B and I ran away to Bali for a long weekend. B had contacted the driver we'd used before. As we were exiting the airport, B said, "Do you remember what Pak Dewa looks like?"  He doesn't use a sign or anything, just stands there. We recognized him when we saw him but still didn't take a photo of him. I suppose at this point, we will always be able to just recognize him.

We saw this dangerously overloaded truck shortly after leaving the airport.

Also, off in the distance is the giant Garuda Wisnu statue that was recently finished. Clearly it towers above everything else here at 393 feet including the pedestal it rests upon. It's made of copper and brass. This is actually as close as we got to it, so if you want more details, feel free to look it up.

First stop was a seafood on the beach restaurant- Bali Sea Cafe. Fresh grilled tuna and shrimp with something cold to drink. Yum!
After lunch, we proceeded to Denpasar to our favorite cotton fabric shops to get a little fabric. Between the two shops, we purchased 40 meters of various lengths- many only 1 meter. Half we shipped home, the other half we were able to cram into our 2 small carry on bags (they had plenty of extra space on arrival.) This really looks like a lot of fabric in a big pile, but when all folded up, it's not really that much. The shipped fabric was waiting for us on our return. (B note - we also bought three fat quarters (in this case 0.5 meters of 25 different fabric) and one jelly roll).
We had ribs one night. The table was decorated with this little piggy! Cute!
We did return to one museum we really liked, the Museum Pasifika. It houses Asian Pacific art. We enjoyed it again.

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