Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Crafts, etc.

I mentioned that I had created some Christmas ornaments. While shopping for Christmas ornament parts, I noticed that the bead area of one shop was much larger than I had remembered. A staircase top to bottom filled with beads! Yes, on a staircase and in no particular order. The other disappointing part was you bought the box! However, a box was less than $1.50. 

 I have been slowly working on my 9 block quilt with lots of embroidery.  I finished this guy and this block (#4) a while ago. I am now slowly working on block 5- the center block- which has a large center block with a very long quote. Slow!
One of my closest friends has left the country and returned to her native The Netherlands. I made this mini-quilt for her, including the center appliqued panel. She wanted this particular color scheme after seeing my color palette on the quilt I was working on. I will really miss her. She'd been an expat for most of 18 years ( several countries) and had lived here 7.5 yrs including the entire time we've lived here.
 Here are the Christmas ornaments! ( The two sides on each are different.)

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