Thursday, December 20, 2018


B comments:  On 29 November, SRI had its official inauguration or grand opening. we had over 300 guests, including journalists, and many dignitaries including the Minister of Industry for Indonesia, The Minister for Foreign and economic Affairs for France The French Ambassador to Indonesia, the Manager partner for Michelin and three other high level Michelin leaders. Plus the head of the police, the head of the Army and many of our partners commissioners, directors, and leaders. we received many flower boards from our contractors and from our neighbors or banks.

The line of cars coming to drop people off. VVIPs came to a different entrance so I wasn't able to see this.
The main entrance.
Local dancers.
The VVIPs being led by the dancers to the stage and podium. The person in the yellow shirt is Pak Airlingga Hartarta, Minister of Industry for Indonesia and the person to his left is the Minister of foreign Affairs for France.
We ordered special batik for the Board of Directors and key Michelin or CAP leaders and for the ushers and support team, a team batik uniform. Here is a small portion of the team afterwards.
The Michelin display. We  had a booth for SRI, CAP, and Michelin to show off our products or share with customers.
We did a plant tour and stopped in one building for a photo opp. 
some of the police and army leaders coming out of the photo opp. BTW, this was just 30-ish of the 300 guests. Are you getting a sense of the complexity of all of this?
some of the team with our guests at the photo opp
The two Ministers at the Michelin booth. 
Security was everywhere.
The key VVIPs in the operating building.
The main tent and the national anthem. Then it was speech time. 

Recognize anyone? 
Some of the crowd. 
Each Minister signed a prestasi or stone commemorating the inauguration. 

Sounding the gong officially opened the plant.

while some people got to do a walking tour of the plant (more detail than previous tour) my boss and I and a few others got to do a press conference. Interesting experience and we had simultaneous translation to Bahasa, English, and French. 
The SRI team clowning around and taking a much needed break after the event finished. 

A small token we made up for everyone who supported our plant start up. 

A small dinner party the night before the Inauguration at the home of the head of our partner company. Like the chandelier? from the Czech Republic in the mid seventies. Also, to answer your question, YES, the dining room is big enough for all of us to fit around one table. 

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