Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Back to Bali -Part 3

In our previous trips, we had not managed a visit to THE most popular spot on Bali according to something I read. The place: Bali Safari and Marine Park. They did have a resident discount so that was great. We paid 1/5 the entrance for tourists. They restrict your movement in the park quite a bit with shuttles to take you to the show areas as a first stop. Later you can walk around on your own in some areas. We really didn't see much of a "marine" element, but maybe we just couldn't find it?
 This is a new "show" at the Park. Elephant bathing demo.
 Speaking of elephants

 There is a short "jeep" type ride in a shuttle bus. You can see some animals from the bus.
 We drove right through the hippo waters ( on a slightly submerged road).

We finally found a small area with some fish!  Two different species of arawana.
While I thought the place was just OK overall,  I did love the fence posts in certain areas. They were so natural looking.
Another thing I thought was cute was a group of maybe a dozen guinea pigs running in parade formation around the edge of the "stage" during the small animal and bird show we stopped to enjoy for a few minutes.

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