Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mall walks and Chinese New Year

Despite the fact that the average temperature here right now is swinging all the way from 75F at night to mid-upper 80s (if cloudy or raining) and around 90 or more if the sun is out, we are seeing these strange items in the stores. My initial thought is always that if you’re traveling somewhere colder, yes, you might need a coat. But that’s not necessarily always the case. Early in the morning we see all sorts of folk on scooters zinging around town in “winter” coats. This is winter here after all.

We learned recently that there is at least one A&W root beer location here.
And also, we came across a Tupperware kiosk (under the BreadLife sign). That was surprising. Does Tupperware in the US still sell modular mates and what-a-bowls? You can pick some up here.
It’s Chinese (Lunar) New Year this week. B’s office is decorated, the streets are decorated, the malls are decorated. Lots of red and orange. It’s the year of the goat or sheep depending on what you believe. There seems to be a lack of consensus on this subject.

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