Monday, February 2, 2015

Our first visit to the local IKEA store

An IKEA opened in the area last October. Recently, we finally made the trip to the store. We arrived at 10 am on a Saturday to try to avoid the huge crowds. The place is an entertainment hot spot perhaps even more than a store. The store was very crowded when we were leaving, buses of people were entering the store. The cashiers, however, were not busy. People go to look, but not necessarily to buy. We were there long enough (it’s a big place) that we needed to eat and had no option other than the built-in cafeteria. Having never been in an IKEA store before I don’t know if they all contain a cafeteria but they have it really well structured—down to the carts to carry multiple trays. We saw quite a lot of people pushing these tray carriers around while fully loaded. 

I had what amounted to a ham and cheese sandwich and B tried the “famous” Swedish meatballs. In case you’re wondering if we purchased anything, we did: a normal sized rolling pin, a cutting board, a package of chip clips, organizer box for my sewing room. You can see we really went wild at IKEA!

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