Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mini Vacation Part 1-General trip notes

We decided to spend the Chinese New Year long weekend out of town so off to Singapore we flew. We spent the first official day of the holiday at the zoo. Because of the holiday, we learned the hard way that many small shops were closed for the entire weekend; including a quilting shop I had hoped to visit. A giant craft store was closed on Thursday but open again on Friday. We had a little trouble getting cabs especially on Thursday because of the holiday. A lot of taxi drivers were taking the holiday off to spend time with family. At the hotel a couple of taxi drivers didn’t want to go to the zoo. Too far I suspect. On the way back from the zoo, there was a long queue  to get a taxi. We still managed to get around alright.

For one dinner we walked down the street to ION, a shopping center, a few blocks away. We had Thai for dinner. I had pandan chicken. B had a mixed seafood. We both had Thai milk iced tea. Tasted like canned evaporated milk was used. Very sweet. Loads of sugar. Glad we tried it but we probably wouldn’t get it again.
At some point I had to capture this "condensation shot." It follows us everywhere.
 We had a pretty good view from our hotel room. By day and by night:

A little friend appeared in our room! The eyes are made from creamer cups.

Our trip home set a “new land speed record”. From the time we landed and were pulling up to the gate to the time we were in the apartment – 1h10m. This included getting the door open, off the plane, through immigration, retrieving our bag, walking through customs, finding Oky who then went to get the car, climbing in and paying for parking and then driving back to the apartment. Get the picture? From B’s office to the airport alone on Wednesday, when we left, 1h,20m.I still can't believe it.

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