Monday, February 2, 2015

OSU Buckeyes win the title!

It’s old news, but this topic still warrants its own posting. On January 1, The Ohio State Buckeyes triumphed over Alabama’s Crimson Tide 42-35 putting the Buckeyes into the game to decide the NCAA football national championship against the Oregon Ducks. 
I really enjoyed the many, many cartoons I saw with a duck hunting theme leading up to the game. Very cute. I received some two-tone lace yarn in OSU colors for Christmas. I knitted this into a scarf before the game. I made good use of it during the game. It was great to toss in the air on touchdowns!
Ultimately, on January 12, the Ohio State Buckeyes defeated the Oregon Ducks 42-27 to win the first national championship. It was historic!

I am already worrying about next season. We will start the season ranked as #1, a scary situation.

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